Mona the Vampire Wiki

RRabbit42 RRabbit42 6 April 2021

Adopting the wiki

For three years, this wiki has been subjected to vandalism by one person who has over 30 accounts. I've done what I can to fix it and I have attempted to talk to them. They have repeatedly added the same false information and flooded the wiki with unrelated pages, pictures and videos. They also haven't responded to any of the messages. Given that this is the same thing they've done on over dozen other wikis, I expected this would be the case.

In order to stop the disruption to this wiki, I will be adopting it. I don't like having to adopt wikis just to stop vandalism. I'd rather adopt one that matches my own interests. But at this point, I'm best qualified to do it.

To help with this, I've purchased some of the Mona the Vampire DVDs and I hav…

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MadisonGrundtvig MadisonGrundtvig 7 January 2014

Bring Back Mona the Vampire Project

Who wants to bring Mona the Vampire back? I do!

Oh no, guys! had its series finale in 2003 and stopped airing on television in some areas, and there haven't been anymore written books, as you all probably know! I really want to see more of the show created. It is the best television series I have ever seen! In other words, it's my favorite show. So does anyone have any plans to successfully bring the franchise back to life? Perhaps we could contact television networks about this somehow? I mean come on. They have to at least make a spinoff. If you have ideas, just comment and tell me. In the meantime, everyone click "I do!" so we can convince the companies.

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MadisonGrundtvig MadisonGrundtvig 1 January 2014

Spelling Help

Hello! There are some names in that I have a hard time making out in my head. For instance, I hear a name of a minor character, and I cannot figure out if his name is Mr. Ervin or Mr. Earvin. (That is not a real character, although I just made that up for the example.) Do you guys think that there is a way you could help me with this for the sake of accuracy in our Wiki? I almost named Mr. Arley's page "Mr. Early" since I could not clearly make out how to spell the name, and if it were not for the episode's online transcript that I saved the page from being inaccurate. You can also find some characters' names spelled correctly (I would assume) on the episode descriptions of Wikipedia's episode list. Anyway, so to the point; is there a way …

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